Baltimore, Maryland Weather by Month

By | May 14, 2024

Baltimore, Maryland, situated in the northeastern United States, is a vibrant and historic city known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse neighborhoods, and bustling harbor. Located on the Patapsco River in the Mid-Atlantic region, Baltimore serves as the largest city in Maryland and is a major economic and cultural hub in the region. With a population of over 600,000 residents, Baltimore is renowned for its iconic landmarks, including the Inner Harbor, Fort McHenry National Monument, and the historic neighborhoods of Fells Point and Federal Hill. The city is also home to several prestigious universities, such as Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland, Baltimore, contributing to its reputation as a center for education and research.

Climate and Weather Overview

Baltimore experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and cool winters. The city enjoys four distinct seasons, with moderate precipitation throughout the year. While Baltimore’s weather can be unpredictable at times, residents and visitors can expect relatively mild temperatures and ample sunshine during the spring and fall months. Summers tend to be hot and muggy, while winters are generally cold with occasional snowfall. Despite its variable weather, Baltimore offers plenty of indoor and outdoor activities year-round, making it an ideal destination for visitors of all interests.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Baltimore, Maryland:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 41.7 2.52 9
February 44.8 2.60 9
March 51.5 3.65 9
April 61.7 3.27 8
May 71.4 3.78 8
June 80.7 3.49 9
July 85.4 4.14 9
August 83.6 4.03 9
September 77.4 3.42 8
October 66.3 3.07 8
November 56.3 3.16 8
December 46.8 2.87 9

Weather by Month


January in Baltimore is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average temperatures hover around 41.7°F, with chilly mornings and brisk afternoons. While snowfall is relatively rare in the city, residents may experience occasional winter storms that bring accumulations of snow and ice. Despite the colder weather, visitors can still enjoy indoor activities such as visiting museums, attending theater performances, and dining at cozy restaurants throughout the city.


February brings similar weather conditions to Baltimore, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average temperatures increase slightly to 44.8°F, and the city experiences shorter daylight hours as winter continues. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the colder weather, visitors can still enjoy exploring the city’s historic neighborhoods, shopping at local boutiques, and sampling the diverse culinary offerings throughout the city.


March marks the transition to spring in Baltimore, with gradually warming temperatures and blooming flowers. Average highs reach 51.5°F, and the city experiences longer daylight hours and milder evenings as spring approaches. While temperatures can still be cool, visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as walking along the waterfront promenade, visiting local parks and gardens, and attending seasonal events and festivals celebrating the arrival of spring.


April brings warmer temperatures and blooming cherry blossoms to Baltimore. Average highs climb to 61.7°F, and the city experiences longer daylight hours and minimal precipitation. Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as strolling through the historic neighborhoods, exploring local parks and gardens, and attending outdoor concerts and performances throughout the city.


May is characterized by mild temperatures and abundant sunshine in Baltimore. Average highs reach 71.4°F, and the city experiences longer days and warmer evenings as spring progresses. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities such as biking along the waterfront, cruising on the harbor, and picnicking in local parks, as well as attending seasonal events and festivals celebrating the season.


June brings the arrival of summer in Baltimore, with hot temperatures and plenty of sunshine. Average highs soar to 80.7°F, and the city experiences longer daylight hours and minimal rainfall. Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as boating on the harbor, exploring local trails and nature preserves, and attending outdoor concerts and festivals throughout the city.


July is the hottest month in Baltimore, with average highs reaching 85.4°F. The city experiences hot and humid weather, with occasional afternoon thunderstorms providing relief from the summer heat. Despite the warmer temperatures, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming at local beaches and pools, visiting waterfront parks and attractions, and attending outdoor events and festivals celebrating the season.


August continues the summer heat in Baltimore, with average highs averaging around 83.6°F. While temperatures remain warm, the city experiences occasional afternoon thunderstorms, providing relief from the summer heat. Visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as exploring local parks and gardens, visiting museums and cultural institutions, and attending seasonal events and festivals throughout the city.


September brings cooler temperatures and changing foliage to Baltimore, marking the transition to fall. Average highs drop to 77.4°F, and the city experiences crisp mornings and mild afternoons. Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking in nearby state parks, biking along scenic trails, and attending local harvest festivals and farmers’ markets celebrating the season.


October is characterized by cooler temperatures and stunning fall foliage in Baltimore. Average highs dip to 66.3°F, and the city experiences clear skies and cool evenings, making it the perfect time for outdoor adventures. Visitors can explore the city’s historic landmarks, go on scenic drives to view the fall colors, and attend seasonal events and festivals celebrating the autumn season.


November brings the onset of winter chill to Baltimore, with colder temperatures and occasional rainfall. Average highs average around 56.3°F, and the city experiences shorter days and cooler nights as winter approaches. Despite the cooler weather, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as visiting local markets and craft fairs, exploring indoor attractions, and dining at cozy restaurants throughout the city.


December marks the peak of winter in Baltimore, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs drop to 46.8°F, and the city experiences shorter days and longer nights as the winter solstice approaches. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the inclement weather, visitors can still enjoy indoor pursuits such as visiting holiday markets, attending seasonal events and performances, and exploring the city’s festive decorations and displays.

Natural Disasters

While Baltimore is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, the city is susceptible to occasional severe weather events such as thunderstorms, winter storms, and flooding. Additionally, the city’s location along the Chesapeake Bay puts it at risk of storm surges and coastal flooding during hurricanes and tropical storms. Residents and visitors are encouraged to stay informed about weather alerts and evacuation procedures, as well as to have emergency supplies and evacuation plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being during times of crisis.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Baltimore offers residents and visitors a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst its vibrant urban landscape and historic charm. From exploring the city’s iconic landmarks and cultural institutions to attending seasonal events and festivals, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this dynamic Maryland city. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventure, cultural enrichment, or simply a relaxing retreat, Baltimore promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

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