Alpaugh, California Weather by Month

By | May 18, 2024

Alpaugh, a small agricultural community in central California, is located in Tulare County. Situated in the San Joaquin Valley, Alpaugh lies approximately 45 miles south of Fresno and is surrounded by vast farmlands and orchards. The town is primarily known for its agriculture, particularly the production of crops such as cotton, almonds, and citrus fruits. With a population of around 1,026 residents, Alpaugh maintains a close-knit community atmosphere. While it lacks major landmarks or universities, the town’s beautiful rural setting and proximity to natural attractions make it an appealing destination for those seeking a quiet and serene lifestyle amidst California’s agricultural heartland.

Climate and Weather Overview

Alpaugh experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Located in the heart of California’s Central Valley, the town’s weather is heavily influenced by its inland location and proximity to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Summers are typically long and hot, with temperatures frequently exceeding 90°F, while winters are cool and relatively wet. The region’s agricultural activities rely heavily on irrigation due to the limited rainfall, which occurs primarily during the winter months. Overall, Alpaugh’s climate is conducive to year-round farming but can pose challenges during the summer months due to the extreme heat.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Below is a table detailing the average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Alpaugh:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 56 0.92 20
February 60 0.87 20
March 65 0.77 23
April 73 0.37 26
May 82 0.20 29
June 91 0.05 30
July 97 0.01 31
August 96 0.03 30
September 90 0.15 29
October 79 0.38 27
November 66 0.58 24
December 57 0.87 21

Weather by Month


January in Alpaugh brings cool temperatures and occasional rainfall, with average highs around 56°F. The month typically sees an average precipitation of 0.92 inches, making it one of the wettest months of the year. Despite the rain, there are still approximately 20 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking or birdwatching during breaks in the weather.

Recommended Activities: Exploring nearby hiking trails, birdwatching at local parks, visiting indoor attractions.


February continues the cool and occasionally rainy weather pattern in Alpaugh, with average highs around 60°F. Precipitation remains similar to January, averaging 0.87 inches, but sunny days increase slightly to 20. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities during breaks in the rain, such as hiking, biking, or exploring the town’s agricultural heritage.

Recommended Activities: Hiking in nearby nature reserves, visiting local museums and historical sites, attending community events.


March marks the transition to spring in Alpaugh, with warmer temperatures and fewer rainy days. Average highs reach around 65°F, with decreasing precipitation averaging 0.77 inches. Sunny days increase to 23, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and sightseeing. Residents and visitors can enjoy activities such as picnicking in local parks, visiting nearby orchards, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside.

Recommended Activities: Picnicking in local parks, visiting orchards in bloom, exploring scenic drives.


April brings mild temperatures and blooming wildflowers to Alpaugh, making it an ideal time to explore the town’s outdoor attractions. Average highs reach around 73°F, with minimal precipitation averaging 0.37 inches. Sunny days increase to 26, providing plenty of opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, and enjoying the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Recommended Activities: Hiking in nature reserves, birdwatching at local birding hotspots, attending outdoor events and festivals.


May in Alpaugh brings warmer temperatures and longer days, making it a popular time for outdoor activities. Average highs reach around 82°F, with minimal precipitation averaging just 0.20 inches. Sunny days peak at 29, providing ample opportunities for hiking, biking, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside. Residents and visitors can also enjoy activities such as visiting local farmers’ markets, picnicking in parks, and attending outdoor concerts and events.

Recommended Activities: Exploring local hiking trails, visiting farmers’ markets, attending outdoor concerts and events.


June marks the beginning of summer in Alpaugh, with hot temperatures and clear skies dominating the weather pattern. Average highs reach around 91°F, with minimal precipitation averaging just 0.05 inches. Sunny days peak at 30, providing ideal conditions for outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside. Residents and visitors can also enjoy activities such as visiting nearby lakes and rivers, picnicking in parks, and attending outdoor festivals and events.

Recommended Activities: Swimming in local lakes and rivers, fishing in shaded areas, attending outdoor festivals and events.


July brings the peak of summer heat to Alpaugh, with temperatures reaching their highest levels of the year. Average highs hover around 97°F, with minimal precipitation averaging just 0.01 inches. Sunny days continue to dominate, providing ideal conditions for outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, and picnicking. Residents and visitors can also enjoy activities such as visiting nearby water parks, exploring local trails, and attending outdoor concerts and events.

Recommended Activities: Early morning outdoor activities, visiting water parks, attending evening concerts and events.


August continues the hot and dry weather pattern in Alpaugh, with temperatures remaining elevated throughout the month. Average highs reach around 96°F, with minimal precipitation averaging just 0.03 inches. Sunny days continue to dominate, providing ideal conditions for outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, and picnicking. Residents and visitors can also enjoy activities such as visiting nearby lakes and rivers, exploring local parks, and attending outdoor festivals and events.

Recommended Activities: Early morning or late evening outdoor activities, visiting shaded parks and gardens, attending outdoor festivals and events.


September brings the transition to fall in Alpaugh, with slightly cooler temperatures and changing foliage. Average highs reach around 90°F, providing relief from the summer heat. Precipitation increases slightly to 0.15 inches, with occasional rain showers. Sunny days begin to decrease, but outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the town’s scenic trails and overlooks are still popular among residents and visitors.

Recommended Activities: Hiking in cooler temperatures, birdwatching in local parks, exploring scenic viewpoints.


October brings cooler temperatures and the vibrant colors of fall foliage to Alpaugh, making it a beautiful time to explore the outdoors. Average highs dip into the mid-70s°F, with cooler evenings perfect for outdoor dining and stargazing. Precipitation increases to 0.38 inches, with occasional rain showers enhancing the fall colors. Residents and visitors can enjoy activities such as leaf-peeping drives, hiking in scenic areas, and attending local harvest festivals.

Recommended Activities: Leaf-peeping drives along scenic routes, hiking in nature reserves, attending harvest festivals.


November brings cooler temperatures and the first signs of winter to Alpaugh, with residents preparing for the holiday season ahead. Average highs drop into the low 60s°F, with cooler evenings perfect for cozying up by the fire. Precipitation averages 0.58 inches, with occasional rain showers becoming more frequent than in previous months. Indoor activities such as visiting museums, attending cultural events, and shopping for holiday gifts become popular as residents seek refuge from the colder weather.

Recommended Activities: Visiting indoor attractions, attending cultural events and performances, exploring local shops and boutiques.


December brings cold temperatures and the holiday spirit to Alpaugh, with residents and visitors embracing the festive season. Average highs remain in the upper 50s°F, with occasional frosty mornings and chilly evenings. Precipitation decreases slightly to an average of 0.87 inches, though residents should be prepared for winter weather conditions. Outdoor activities may be limited due to the colder temperatures, but residents can still enjoy activities such as holiday light displays, shopping for unique gifts, and attending seasonal events and festivals.

Recommended Activities: Viewing holiday light displays, shopping for unique gifts, attending seasonal events and festivals.

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