Alma, Wisconsin Weather by Month

By | May 15, 2024

Located along the Mississippi River in southwestern Wisconsin, Alma is a charming river town known for its scenic beauty, rich history, and vibrant community. Situated in Buffalo County, Alma is part of the Driftless Area, a region renowned for its rugged terrain, scenic bluffs, and beautiful river valleys. With a population of approximately 781 residents, Alma offers a tight-knit community atmosphere where neighbors know each other by name. The town’s economy is primarily driven by tourism, agriculture, and outdoor recreation, with fishing and boating on the Mississippi River being popular activities. Alma is also home to several historic landmarks, including Lock and Dam No. 4, Buena Vista Park, and the Alma Opera House, adding to its cultural significance and charm.

Climate and Weather Overview

Alma experiences a humid continental climate, characterized by four distinct seasons with varying temperatures and precipitation patterns. Winters are cold and snowy, while summers are warm and humid. Spring and fall bring mild temperatures and colorful foliage, making them ideal seasons for outdoor activities. The town’s proximity to the Mississippi River can influence local weather patterns, with occasional thunderstorms and foggy conditions occurring throughout the year.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Below is a table detailing the average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Alma:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 22 1.0 12
February 27 0.9 12
March 38 1.8 13
April 51 3.0 15
May 64 3.8 17
June 73 4.2 18
July 77 4.0 19
August 75 4.0 19
September 68 3.4 17
October 56 2.5 15
November 43 1.9 13
December 29 1.2 12

Weather by Month


January brings the peak of winter to Alma, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs hover around 22°F, while nighttime temperatures can drop well below freezing. Precipitation is relatively low, averaging 1.0 inch, with snow contributing to the winter landscape. Sunny days are limited, with around 12 days of sunshine. Despite the cold weather, residents can still enjoy outdoor activities such as cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and snowshoeing in nearby parks and trails.

Recommended Activities: Cross-country skiing in nearby parks, ice fishing on the Mississippi River, snowshoeing in scenic areas.


February continues the cold weather pattern in Alma, with average highs around 27°F. Precipitation remains low, averaging 0.9 inches, with occasional snow showers. Sunny days increase slightly to around 12, providing opportunities for outdoor recreation. Residents can enjoy activities such as ice skating, winter hikes, and visiting local museums and cultural attractions.

Recommended Activities: Ice skating at local rinks, winter hikes in scenic areas, visiting museums and cultural attractions.


March marks the transition to spring in Alma, with temperatures gradually warming up. Average highs reach around 38°F, and snow begins to melt in lower elevations. Precipitation increases to 1.8 inches, with rain showers becoming more common than snowfall. Sunny days continue to increase, with around 13 days of sunshine. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and exploring nearby state parks.

Recommended Activities: Hiking in scenic areas, birdwatching at local parks, exploring state parks.


April brings milder temperatures and the emergence of springtime blooms in Alma. Average highs reach around 51°F, and snow becomes less common at lower elevations. Precipitation increases to 3.0 inches, with occasional rain showers refreshing the landscape. Sunny days increase to around 15, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Residents can enjoy activities such as wildflower hikes, photography outings, and picnics in the park.

Recommended Activities: Wildflower hikes in nearby canyons, photography outings in scenic areas, picnics in local parks.


May is characterized by mild temperatures and abundant sunshine in Alma. Average highs reach around 64°F, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. Precipitation increases slightly to 3.8 inches, with occasional afternoon thunderstorms bringing brief rain showers. Sunny days peak at around 17, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Residents can enjoy activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing in the pristine wilderness.

Recommended Activities: Hiking in high-elevation trails, camping in designated campgrounds, fishing in mountain streams.


June brings the onset of summer in Alma, with warm temperatures and clear skies. Average highs reach around 73°F, and evenings remain pleasantly warm. Precipitation decreases slightly to 4.2 inches, with occasional afternoon thunderstorms providing relief from the heat. Sunny days continue to dominate, with around 18 days of sunshine. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as river rafting, rock climbing, and mountain biking in the warm weather.

Recommended Activities: River rafting on the nearby rivers, rock climbing in nearby canyons, mountain biking on scenic trails.


July is the peak of summer in Alma, with hot temperatures and abundant sunshine. Average highs reach around 77°F, and temperatures can soar into the 90s°F during heatwaves. Precipitation remains moderate, averaging 4.0 inches, with afternoon thunderstorms providing brief relief from the heat. Sunny days continue to dominate, with around 19 days of sunshine. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, boating, and picnicking by the river.

Recommended Activities: Swimming in local rivers and lakes, boating on the Mississippi River, picnicking in shaded areas.


August continues the hot and sunny weather pattern in Alma, with temperatures remaining elevated throughout the month. Average highs hover around 75°F, and humidity levels increase, making it feel warmer. Precipitation remains moderate, averaging 4.0 inches, with afternoon thunderstorms providing brief relief from the heat. Sunny days continue to dominate, with around 19 days of sunshine. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, kayaking, and tubing on the river.

Recommended Activities: Fishing in local streams and rivers, kayaking on the Mississippi River, tubing on calm stretches of the river.


September brings the transition to fall in Alma, with mild temperatures and changing foliage. Average highs reach around 68°F, providing comfortable conditions for outdoor activities. Precipitation decreases slightly to 3.4 inches, with occasional rain showers. Sunny days begin to decrease, with around 17 days of sunshine. Residents can enjoy activities such as apple picking, fall foliage drives, and hiking in cooler temperatures.

Recommended Activities: Apple picking at local orchards, fall foliage drives along scenic routes, hiking in cooler temperatures.


October brings cooler temperatures and the vibrant colors of fall foliage to Alma, making it a beautiful time to explore the outdoors. Average highs dip into the mid-50s°F, with cooler evenings perfect for cozying up by the fire. Precipitation decreases to 2.5 inches, with occasional rain showers enhancing the fall colors. Residents and visitors can enjoy leaf-peeping drives, hikes through wooded trails, and visits to local pumpkin patches and orchards.

Recommended Activities: Leaf-peeping drives along scenic routes, hiking in local parks, visiting pumpkin patches and orchards.


November brings cooler temperatures and the first signs of winter to Alma, with residents preparing for the holiday season ahead. Average highs drop into the low 40s°F, with occasional frosts and freezes occurring overnight. Precipitation averages 1.9 inches, with rain showers becoming more frequent than snow. Indoor activities such as visiting museums, attending cultural events, and shopping for holiday gifts become popular as residents seek refuge from the colder weather.

Recommended Activities: Visiting indoor attractions, attending cultural events and performances, exploring local shops and boutiques.


December brings cold temperatures and the holiday spirit to Alma, with residents and visitors embracing the festive season. Average highs remain in the upper 20s°F, with occasional frosty mornings and chilly evenings. Precipitation decreases slightly to an average of 1.2 inches, though residents should be prepared for winter weather conditions. Outdoor activities may be limited due to the colder temperatures, but residents can still enjoy activities such as holiday light displays, ice skating, and sledding.

Recommended Activities: Viewing holiday light displays, ice skating at local rinks, attending holiday events and festivals.

In conclusion, Alma, Wisconsin, offers a diverse range of weather throughout the year, with each season bringing its own unique beauty and opportunities for outdoor and indoor activities. From the snowy landscapes of winter to the vibrant colors of fall foliage and the warm sunshine of summer, residents and visitors alike can find something to enjoy in this beautiful river town located amidst the scenic bluffs of southwestern Wisconsin.

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