Hanalei, Hawaii Weather by Month

By | April 24, 2024

Located on the north shore of the island of Kauai, Hanalei is a beautiful town renowned for its stunning natural beauty, lush landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. Situated in the state of Hawaii, Hanalei is surrounded by majestic mountains, cascading waterfalls, and pristine beaches, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. With its laid-back atmosphere, vibrant local community, and diverse array of attractions, Hanalei offers visitors a unique blend of relaxation, adventure, and Hawaiian hospitality.

Geography and Location

Hanalei is located on the northern coast of Kauai, the fourth-largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. The town is bordered by the majestic Na Pali Coast to the west and the verdant Hanalei Valley to the east, creating a dramatic backdrop of natural beauty. Hanalei covers an area of approximately 0.8 square miles, with a mix of residential neighborhoods, boutique shops, and locally-owned restaurants. The town’s prime location along the coast provides residents and visitors with easy access to some of Hawaii’s most iconic beaches, hiking trails, and scenic viewpoints.

Affiliation and Population

As part of the state of Hawaii, Hanalei is governed by the laws and regulations of the state and county. The town has a population of approximately 450 residents, with a mix of native Hawaiians, mainland transplants, and visitors from around the world. Hanalei is known for its tight-knit community and strong sense of cultural identity, with residents actively participating in local events, festivals, and traditional ceremonies. Despite its small size, Hanalei attracts a steady stream of tourists seeking to experience the beauty and tranquility of Kauai’s north shore.

Major Landmarks

Hanalei is home to several major landmarks and attractions that showcase its natural beauty and cultural heritage. One of the town’s most iconic landmarks is Hanalei Bay, a crescent-shaped bay fringed by golden sand beaches and turquoise waters. Hanalei Bay is renowned for its excellent surfing conditions, calm swimming waters, and breathtaking sunsets, making it a popular destination for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts.

Another notable landmark in Hanalei is the Hanalei Pier, a historic wooden pier that extends into the bay and offers panoramic views of the surrounding coastline and mountains. The pier is a popular spot for fishing, picnicking, and watching the sunset, and serves as a gathering place for locals and visitors alike.

Climate and Weather Overview

Hanalei enjoys a tropical rainforest climate, characterized by warm temperatures, abundant rainfall, and year-round humidity. The town’s location on the north shore of Kauai exposes it to the prevailing trade winds, which bring moisture-laden air from the Pacific Ocean and result in frequent rain showers and lush vegetation. While Hanalei experiences rainfall throughout the year, it also enjoys plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures, making it an ideal destination for outdoor activities and relaxation.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Hanalei:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 78.4 6.2 21
February 78.6 6.0 22
March 79.0 6.6 23
April 79.7 6.5 24
May 80.7 7.3 24
June 81.9 6.8 24
July 82.7 7.6 25
August 83.1 8.2 25
September 83.0 8.1 24
October 82.7 7.4 24
November 81.7 7.0 23
December 80.3 6.5 22

Weather by Month


January in Hanalei is characterized by warm temperatures and occasional rainfall, with average highs averaging around 78.4°F. Average lows remain mild, ranging from 65°F to 68°F. Precipitation levels are moderate during this time, with an average of 6.2 inches of rainfall. Despite the rain, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, snorkeling, and exploring the town’s charming shops and restaurants.


February brings similar weather conditions to Hanalei, with warm temperatures and frequent showers. Average highs reach 78.6°F, while average lows range from 65°F to 68°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to January, with an average of 6.0 inches of rainfall. Visitors may take advantage of breaks in the rain to visit nearby attractions such as the Limahuli Garden and Preserve, or embark on scenic drives along the north shore of Kauai.


As spring approaches, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures and rainfall in Hanalei. Average highs average around 79.0°F, while average lows range from 66°F to 69°F. Precipitation levels rise, with an average of 6.6 inches of rainfall. Despite the rain, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as waterfall hikes, beach picnics, and horseback riding tours, or participate in cultural events and festivals celebrating Hawaiian heritage.


April is characterized by warm temperatures and frequent showers in Hanalei, with average highs reaching 79.7°F. Average lows range from 67°F to 70°F. Precipitation levels remain steady, with an average of 6.5 inches of rainfall. Visitors may spend time exploring the town’s historic sites and landmarks, such as the Waioli Mission House and Church, or relaxing on the beach and soaking up the sun between rain showers.


May brings warmer temperatures and increasing rainfall to Hanalei, with average highs averaging around 80.7°F. Average lows remain mild, ranging from 68°F to 71°F. Precipitation levels increase, with an average of 7.3 inches of rainfall. Visitors may take advantage of the lush green landscapes and blooming flowers by embarking on scenic hikes, visiting botanical gardens, or taking guided tours of the island’s natural wonders.


June is characterized by warm temperatures and occasional showers in Hanalei, with average highs averaging around 81.9°F. Average lows range from 69°F to 72°F. Precipitation levels remain steady, with an average of 6.8 inches of rainfall. Despite the rain, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as surfing, snorkeling, and kayaking, or take scenic drives along the island’s rugged coastline to admire breathtaking views and waterfalls.


July is the warmest and wettest month of the year in Hanalei, with average highs peaking at 82.7°F. Average lows remain warm, ranging from 70°F to 73°F. Precipitation levels are highest during this time, with an average of 7.6 inches of rainfall. Visitors may seek refuge from the heat by spending time at the beach, exploring the town’s shops and galleries, or indulging in traditional Hawaiian cuisine at local restaurants and eateries.


August sees similar weather conditions to July in Hanalei, with hot temperatures and frequent showers. Average highs remain around 83.1°F, while average lows stay warm, ranging from 71°F to 74°F. Precipitation levels increase, with an average of 8.2 inches of rainfall. Despite the rain, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as zip-lining, ATV tours, and helicopter rides, or take guided hikes to hidden waterfalls and scenic overlooks.


As summer transitions into fall, September brings slightly cooler temperatures and increasing rainfall to Hanalei. Average highs drop to 83.0°F, while average lows range from 71°F to 74°F. Precipitation levels remain high, with an average of 8.1 inches of rainfall. Visitors may take advantage of the cooler weather by exploring the town’s art galleries, visiting local museums, or taking cultural tours to learn about traditional Hawaiian customs and practices.


October is characterized by warm temperatures and frequent showers in Hanalei, with average highs averaging around 82.7°F. Average lows range from 70°F to 73°F. Precipitation levels remain steady, with an average of 7.4 inches of rainfall. Despite the rain, visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and sailing, or take scenic drives along the island’s scenic coastal roads to discover hidden beaches and coves.


November brings cooler temperatures and decreasing rainfall to Hanalei, with average highs averaging around 81.7°F. Average lows range from 69°F to 72°F. Precipitation levels decrease, with an average of 7.0 inches of rainfall. Visitors may spend time exploring the town’s historic sites and landmarks, such as the Princeville Historic District, or taking guided tours of the island’s natural wonders, including Waimea Canyon and the Na Pali Coast.


December marks the onset of winter in Hanalei, with mild temperatures and occasional showers. Average highs drop to 80.3°F, while average lows range from 68°F to 71°F. Precipitation levels remain moderate, with an average of 6.5 inches of rainfall. Visitors can embrace the holiday spirit by attending festive events and activities, such as Christmas parades and tree lighting ceremonies, or taking sunset cruises along the coast to admire the twinkling lights and festive decorations.

Natural Disasters

While Hanalei is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, the region is susceptible to occasional hurricanes, tropical storms, and flash floods. These events can disrupt transportation, cause property damage, and pose risks to public safety. Visitors are encouraged to stay informed about weather forecasts and evacuation procedures, as well as to have emergency supplies and evacuation plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Hanalei offers visitors a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst its stunning natural landscapes and warm tropical climate. From beach days and water sports to cultural tours and scenic hikes, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this enchanting Hawaiian paradise. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural enrichment, Hanalei promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of Kauai’s north shore.

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