Aztec, New Mexico Weather by Month

By | April 14, 2024

Located in the beautiful landscapes of northwestern New Mexico, Aztec is a charming town rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Situated in San Juan County, Aztec is known for its stunning vistas, ancient ruins, and vibrant community spirit. Let’s explore the geographical, demographic, and cultural aspects of Aztec before delving into its climate and weather patterns.

Geography and Location

Aztec is located in northwestern New Mexico, approximately 14 miles northeast of Farmington. The town is located in the Animas River Valley, surrounded by mesas, canyons, and the rugged beauty of the Four Corners region. The nearby Animas River provides residents with opportunities for outdoor recreation, including fishing, kayaking, and hiking along its scenic banks. Aztec is also in close proximity to several notable landmarks, including the Aztec Ruins National Monument and the stunning landscapes of the Navajo Nation.

Affiliation and Population

As part of San Juan County, Aztec is governed by the laws and regulations of the county and state of New Mexico. The town has a population of approximately 6,700 residents, making it a tight-knit community where neighbors know each other by name. Despite its modest size, Aztec boasts a rich cultural heritage and a strong sense of pride in its Native American roots, Spanish colonial history, and Western frontier spirit.

Major Landmarks

Aztec is home to several major landmarks and attractions that reflect its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. One notable landmark is the Aztec Ruins National Monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that preserves ancient Puebloan structures dating back over 900 years. Visitors to the monument can explore the meticulously crafted stone buildings, kivas, and petroglyphs left behind by the ancestral Pueblo people, providing insight into their way of life and cultural traditions.

Another iconic landmark is the Aztec Museum and Pioneer Village, which showcases the town’s history through exhibits, artifacts, and interactive displays. The museum features exhibits on Native American culture, Spanish colonization, and the pioneer era, offering visitors a glimpse into Aztec’s past and its evolution into a vibrant community.

Climate and Weather Overview

Aztec experiences a semi-arid climate, characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and low precipitation levels. The town’s location in the high desert of the Four Corners region influences its climate, with influences from the nearby Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Plateau. Summers are typically warm and dry, while winters are cool and relatively sunny. Spring and fall bring transitional weather, with fluctuating temperatures and occasional precipitation.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Aztec:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 39.1 0.53 24
February 43.8 0.60 24
March 51.9 0.68 27
April 60.8 0.69 29
May 70.6 0.57 30
June 81.3 0.35 30
July 86.5 1.58 29
August 84.6 1.43 29
September 77.5 0.85 28
October 65.5 0.73 28
November 50.8 0.55 25
December 40.2 0.50 24

Weather by Month


January in Aztec is characterized by cool temperatures and low precipitation levels. Average highs hover around 39.1°F, while average lows dip below freezing, ranging from 15°F to 18°F. Precipitation levels are minimal, with an average of 0.53 inches of snowfall. Despite the cold weather, residents may still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, snowshoeing, and wildlife viewing, or spend cozy evenings indoors by the fireplace with family and friends.


February brings slightly warmer temperatures to Aztec, with average highs reaching 43.8°F. Average lows range from 19°F to 22°F. Precipitation levels increase slightly compared to January, with an average of 0.60 inches of snowfall. Residents may take advantage of the milder weather to engage in outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice fishing, or enjoy indoor pursuits such as visiting local museums, galleries, and cultural events.


As spring approaches, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures and precipitation in Aztec. Average highs rise to 51.9°F, while average lows range from 26°F to 29°F. Precipitation levels increase, with an average of 0.68 inches of rainfall. Residents may welcome the arrival of spring by exploring local hiking trails, visiting botanical gardens, or attending outdoor events and festivals celebrating the season’s renewal and the vibrant colors of blooming flowers and trees.


April is characterized by mild temperatures and increasing rainfall in Aztec, with average highs averaging around 60.8°F. Average lows range from 32°F to 35°F. Precipitation levels continue to rise, with an average of 0.69 inches of rainfall. Residents may embrace the spring weather by planting gardens, attending outdoor markets and fairs, or participating in outdoor activities such as biking, birdwatching, and fishing at nearby lakes and rivers.


May brings warmer temperatures and abundant rainfall to Aztec, with average highs averaging around 70.6°F. Average lows range from 41°F to 44°F. Precipitation levels peak, with an average of 0.57 inches of rainfall. Despite the rain, residents may enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, and wildlife watching at local parks and nature reserves, or visit nearby farms and orchards to pick fresh produce and flowers.


June is characterized by warm temperatures and occasional thunderstorms in Aztec, with average highs reaching 81.3°F. Average lows range from 50°F to 53°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to May, with an average of 0.35 inches of rainfall. Despite the heat, residents may still enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, kayaking, and camping at local parks and recreational areas, or attend outdoor concerts and festivals celebrating the arrival of summer.


July is the warmest month of the year in Aztec, with average highs peaking at 86.5°F. Average lows remain mild, ranging from 57°F to 60°F. Precipitation levels increase significantly compared to June, with an average of 1.58 inches of rainfall. Despite the heat and occasional rain showers, residents may take advantage of the summer weather to spend time outdoors hiking, biking, and fishing at nearby lakes and rivers, or attend local events and festivals celebrating community spirit and cultural heritage.


August brings continued warmth and occasional rainfall to Aztec, with average highs averaging around 84.6°F. Average lows range from 55°F to 58°F. Precipitation levels remain elevated, with an average of 1.43 inches of rainfall. Residents may enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, boating, and stargazing at local parks and campgrounds, or visit nearby attractions and landmarks such as ancient ruins and historic sites.


As summer transitions into fall, September brings cooler temperatures and decreasing rainfall to Aztec. Average highs drop to 77.5°F, while average lows range from 46°F to 49°F. Precipitation levels decrease, with an average of 0.85 inches of rainfall. Residents may take advantage of the pleasant weather to engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and wildlife viewing, or attend local events and festivals celebrating the harvest season and the natural beauty of the region.


October is characterized by cool temperatures and decreasing rainfall in Aztec, with average highs averaging around 65.5°F. Average lows range from 35°F to 38°F. Precipitation levels remain moderate, with an average of 0.73 inches of rainfall. Residents may embrace the arrival of fall by visiting local pumpkin patches and orchards, attending harvest festivals and fairs, or taking scenic drives through the countryside to admire the vibrant colors of autumn foliage and seasonal decorations.


November brings colder temperatures and increasing rainfall to Aztec, with average highs averaging around 50.8°F. Average lows range from 25°F to 28°F. Precipitation levels rise, with an average of 0.55 inches of rainfall. Residents may prepare for the winter season by completing outdoor chores such as raking leaves, cleaning gutters, and storing outdoor furniture, or spend time indoors cooking comfort foods, crafting holiday decorations, and enjoying quality time with loved ones.


December marks the onset of winter in Aztec, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs drop to 40.2°F, while average lows range from 17°F to 20°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to November, with an average of 0.50 inches of snowfall. Despite the cooler weather, residents may embrace the holiday spirit by decorating their homes, attending festive events and concerts, or participating in outdoor activities such as ice skating, sledding, and winter hikes in the nearby hillsides and forests.

Natural Disasters

While Aztec is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, the region is susceptible to occasional severe weather events such as thunderstorms, winter storms, and flooding. These events can disrupt transportation, cause power outages, and pose risks to public safety. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about weather alerts and warnings, as well as to have emergency supplies and evacuation plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Aztec offers residents and visitors a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst its scenic landscapes and changing seasons. From exploring ancient ruins and hiking trails to attending cultural events and festivals, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this vibrant community. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventure, cultural enrichment, or simply a relaxing retreat, Aztec promises an authentic and memorable experience in the heart of the Four Corners region.

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