Aurora, Colorado Weather by Month

By | May 9, 2024

Aurora, located in the state of Colorado, is a vibrant city that sits to the east of Denver. It’s the third-largest city in the state, known for its diverse population, thriving economy, and abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities. Situated in the High Plains region of the Rocky Mountains, Aurora boasts a unique geographical setting that includes prairies, foothills, and stunning mountain views. With a population of over 380,000 residents, Aurora is a major urban center that offers a mix of residential neighborhoods, commercial districts, and cultural attractions. The city is home to several major landmarks, including the Aurora Reservoir, Cherry Creek State Park, and the Anschutz Medical Campus.

Climate and Weather Overview

Aurora, Colorado, experiences a semi-arid climate characterized by four distinct seasons. The city enjoys plenty of sunshine throughout the year, with low humidity levels and relatively low annual precipitation. Winters are cold and dry, with occasional snowfall, while summers are warm to hot with low humidity. Spring and fall bring mild temperatures and fluctuating weather patterns, making them ideal seasons for outdoor activities. Overall, Aurora’s climate is favorable for year-round recreation and outdoor pursuits.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Aurora, Colorado:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 36.6 0.39 67
February 39.9 0.41 64
March 46.9 0.92 71
April 55.7 1.77 73
May 64.9 2.12 77
June 74.3 1.56 83
July 79.9 1.74 81
August 77.9 1.51 81
September 70.4 1.06 78
October 58.7 0.98 73
November 46.7 0.83 65
December 37.5 0.45 64

Weather by Month


January in Aurora is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The average temperature for the month is 36.6°F, with an average of 0.39 inches of precipitation. Despite the chilly weather, there are still plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, including skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. Indoor activities such as visiting museums, art galleries, and theaters are also popular during this time of year.


February continues the cold and snowy weather in Aurora, with average temperatures hovering around 39.9°F. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the winter conditions by exploring nearby ski resorts, snowshoeing trails, and winter hiking routes. February also brings the opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day with romantic dinners, couples’ activities, and special events hosted throughout the city.


March marks the transition to spring in Aurora, with milder temperatures and increasing daylight hours. The average temperature for the month is 46.9°F, with an average of 0.92 inches of precipitation. As the snow begins to melt, residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and birdwatching in the city’s parks and natural areas. March also brings the opportunity to participate in St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, spring festivals, and other seasonal events.


April brings warmer temperatures and blooming flowers to Aurora, with average highs reaching 55.7°F. Outdoor activities such as gardening, picnicking, and outdoor sports become more popular as the weather improves. April also marks the start of tornado season in Colorado, so residents should stay informed about weather conditions and be prepared to take shelter in the event of severe weather.


May is characterized by mild temperatures and sunny skies in Aurora, with average highs averaging around 64.9°F. The city’s parks and green spaces come alive with color as flowers bloom and trees leaf out. Outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and fishing are popular during this time of year, as are visits to local farmers’ markets, outdoor festivals, and community events.


June brings warm temperatures and longer days to Aurora, with average highs reaching 74.3°F. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the pleasant weather by exploring the city’s parks, trails, and recreational areas. Popular activities include camping, boating, fishing, and golfing. June also marks the start of wildfire season in Colorado, so residents should exercise caution when using outdoor grills, campfires, and other open flames.


July is the warmest month of the year in Aurora, with average highs averaging around 79.9°F. Residents and visitors alike flock to the city’s pools, lakes, and water parks to beat the heat. Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and camping are best enjoyed in the early morning or evening hours to avoid the heat of the day. July also brings the opportunity to celebrate Independence Day with fireworks displays, parades, and other patriotic events.


August continues the hot and dry weather in Aurora, with average highs averaging around 77.9°F. Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and golfing are popular during this time of year, as are visits to local parks, playgrounds, and splash pads. August also brings the opportunity to attend summer concerts, outdoor movies, and other community events hosted throughout the city.


September marks the transition to cooler temperatures in Aurora, with average highs dropping to 70.4°F. The city’s parks and natural areas come alive with vibrant fall colors as trees begin to change. Outdoor activities such as hiking, leaf-peeping, and apple picking are popular during this time of year. September also brings the opportunity to attend fall festivals, pumpkin patches, and other seasonal events.


October brings cooler temperatures and crisp fall days to Aurora, with average highs averaging around 58.7°F. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, biking, and nature walks amidst the city’s scenic landscapes. October also brings the opportunity to celebrate Halloween with haunted attractions, pumpkin carving, and costume parties hosted throughout the city.


November marks the transition to winter in Aurora, with cooler temperatures and occasional frost. Average highs average around 46.7°F, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and wildlife photography. November also brings the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with family-friendly events, holiday markets, and community gatherings.


December brings cold temperatures and occasional snowfall to Aurora, with average highs dropping to 37.5°F. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the inclement weather, visitors can still enjoy indoor pursuits such as visiting museums, art galleries, and holiday markets. December also brings the opportunity to celebrate the holiday season with festive events, light displays, and seasonal activities.

Natural Disasters

While Aurora, Colorado, is generally safe from major natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, it is still susceptible to certain weather-related hazards. The region is prone to occasional severe weather events, including thunderstorms, hailstorms, and tornadoes, especially during the spring and summer months. Residents and visitors should stay informed about weather conditions and be prepared to take appropriate safety precautions in the event of severe weather.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Aurora offers residents and visitors a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst its stunning natural scenery and vibrant urban environment. From hiking and biking to shopping and dining, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this dynamic city. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural enrichment, Aurora promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

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