Arkansas City, Arkansas Weather by Month

By | April 4, 2024

Arkansas City, located in Desha County, Arkansas, is a small town situated along the Mississippi River in the southeastern part of the state. With a population of approximately 366 residents, it is a tight-knit community known for its rich history, scenic beauty, and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities. The town is surrounded by fertile farmland, lush forests, and the meandering waters of the Mississippi, providing residents and visitors alike with a serene and beautiful setting to call home or explore. While Arkansas City may be small in size, it boasts a big heart and a welcoming spirit, making it a charming destination for those seeking a peaceful retreat in the heart of the Arkansas Delta region.

Geography and Location

Arkansas City is located in southeastern Arkansas, located along the banks of the Mississippi River. The town sits approximately 44 miles southwest of Greenville, Mississippi, and 90 miles southeast of Little Rock, the capital city of Arkansas. Its proximity to the Mississippi River has historically played a significant role in its development, providing access to transportation, trade, and commerce. The surrounding landscape is characterized by flat terrain, fertile farmland, and lush vegetation, making it an ideal location for agriculture and outdoor recreation.

Population and Major Landmarks

As of the latest census data, Arkansas City has a population of around 366 residents, making it a small but vibrant community. While the town may be modest in size, it is rich in history and boasts several notable landmarks, including the Arkansas City Confederate Monument, which pays tribute to the soldiers who fought and died in the Civil War. Additionally, the town is home to the Arkansas City Presbyterian Church, a historic church dating back to the late 19th century, and the Arkansas City Public Library, which serves as a hub for learning and community events.

Climate and Weather Overview

Arkansas City experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, wet winters. The town typically receives ample rainfall throughout the year, with occasional thunderstorms and the occasional threat of tropical cyclones during the summer and fall months. While winters are generally mild, occasional cold snaps and freezing temperatures can occur, especially during periods of arctic air intrusion. Overall, Arkansas City’s climate is conducive to outdoor activities year-round, with residents and visitors enjoying a variety of recreational pursuits amidst the town’s scenic surroundings.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Arkansas City:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 47.3 4.62 5
February 51.6 4.68 6
March 59.3 5.51 6
April 67.5 4.67 7
May 75.3 5.02 8
June 81.9 4.55 9
July 84.4 4.24 9
August 84.2 3.50 9
September 79.6 3.76 8
October 69.3 3.46 7
November 59.7 4.90 5
December 50.8 4.96 5

Weather by Month


January in Arkansas City is typically cool and damp, with average temperatures around 47.3°F and moderate precipitation of 4.62 inches. While snowfall is rare, occasional winter storms can bring freezing rain and sleet to the area. Despite the cooler temperatures, outdoor activities such as hiking and birdwatching can still be enjoyed, albeit with appropriate cold-weather attire.


February sees a slight increase in temperatures in Arkansas City, with average highs reaching 51.6°F. Precipitation remains moderate at 4.68 inches, with occasional rainfall and cloudy skies. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the milder weather to explore the town’s scenic trails, parks, and riverfront areas, as well as engage in fishing and boating on the Mississippi River.


March marks the beginning of spring in Arkansas City, with warmer temperatures and increasing daylight hours. Average highs climb to 59.3°F, and precipitation levels rise to 5.51 inches, with occasional thunderstorms bringing heavy rain and gusty winds. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as picnicking, camping, and wildlife viewing amidst the town’s blooming wildflowers and budding trees.


April brings mild temperatures and sunny skies to Arkansas City, with average highs reaching 67.5°F. While precipitation levels remain relatively high at 4.67 inches, the town experiences fewer rainy days and more sunshine, making it an ideal time for outdoor adventures such as hiking, biking, and exploring the area’s natural beauty.


May is a delightful time to visit Arkansas City, with warm temperatures and abundant sunshine. Average highs rise to 75.3°F, and precipitation levels increase slightly to 5.02 inches, with occasional afternoon showers. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the pleasant weather to engage in activities such as fishing, kayaking, and birdwatching along the Mississippi River.


June brings the peak of summer heat to Arkansas City, with average highs reaching 81.9°F. While precipitation levels decrease to 4.55 inches, the town experiences increased humidity and occasional thunderstorms, providing relief from the sweltering temperatures. Residents and visitors can cool off by swimming, boating, and tubing on the Mississippi River, or simply relaxing in the shade of the town’s parks and green spaces.


July is the hottest month in Arkansas City, with average highs peaking at 84.4°F. While rainfall levels decrease to 4.24 inches, the town experiences sultry temperatures and high humidity, making outdoor activities less comfortable during the peak of the day. However, early mornings and evenings offer ideal conditions for fishing, hiking, and wildlife viewing in the cooler hours of the day.


August continues the summer heat in Arkansas City, with average highs averaging around 84.2°F. While precipitation levels drop to 3.50 inches, the town experiences frequent afternoon thunderstorms and occasional heatwaves, prompting residents and visitors to seek refuge indoors or in shaded areas during the hottest parts of the day. Despite the heat, outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and camping can still be enjoyed, especially in the early mornings and evenings.


September brings the first signs of fall to Arkansas City, with cooler temperatures and changing foliage. Average highs drop to 79.6°F, and precipitation levels decrease to 3.76 inches, with occasional showers and thunderstorms. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the pleasant weather to engage in activities such as hiking, biking, and wildlife viewing amidst the town’s scenic landscapes and parks.


October is characterized by mild temperatures and vibrant fall foliage in Arkansas City. Average highs dip to 69.3°F, and precipitation levels remain relatively low at 3.46 inches, with clear skies and cool evenings. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as leaf-peeping, hiking, and camping in the surrounding forests and parks, as well as attending seasonal events and festivals celebrating the harvest season.


November brings the onset of winter chill to Arkansas City, with cooler temperatures and increasing rainfall. Average highs average around 59.7°F, and precipitation levels rise to 4.90 inches, with occasional cold fronts bringing gusty winds and light frost to the area. Despite the cooler weather, outdoor activities such as birdwatching, hiking, and fishing can still be enjoyed, especially in the early part of the month before the onset of winter weather.


December marks the peak of winter in Arkansas City, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs drop to 50.8°F, and precipitation levels increase to 4.96 inches, with occasional snow showers and freezing rain. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the inclement weather, residents and visitors can still enjoy indoor pursuits such as visiting local museums, shopping for holiday gifts, and attending seasonal events and concerts.

Natural Disasters

While Arkansas City is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, the region is susceptible to occasional severe weather events such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flooding, especially during the spring and summer months. Additionally, the town’s location along the Mississippi River puts it at risk of flooding during periods of heavy rainfall or storm surges. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about weather alerts and evacuation procedures, as well as to have emergency supplies and evacuation plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being during times of crisis.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Arkansas City offers residents and visitors a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst its scenic landscapes and historic charm. From exploring the town’s museums and cultural attractions to fishing, boating, and hiking along the Mississippi River, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this quaint Arkansas Delta town. Whether you’re seeking adventure in the great outdoors or relaxation amidst beautiful surroundings, Arkansas City promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Natural State.

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