Ansted, West Virginia Weather by Month

By | April 30, 2024

Located in the Appalachian Mountains of southern West Virginia, Ansted is a small town brimming with natural beauty, history, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Situated in Fayette County, Ansted is located along the rim of the New River Gorge, offering breathtaking views of the rugged landscape and the winding New River below. With a population of approximately 1,400 residents, Ansted maintains a close-knit community where neighbors come together to celebrate local traditions and explore the wonders of the surrounding wilderness. The town covers an area of about 2.3 square miles, encompassing a mix of residential neighborhoods, historic landmarks, and pristine natural areas.

Geography and Location

Ansted is located in southern West Virginia, approximately 50 miles southeast of Charleston, the state capital. The town is situated atop Gauley Mountain, overlooking the New River Gorge National River, one of the most scenic and rugged river valleys in the eastern United States. Surrounded by dense forests, steep cliffs, and rushing rivers, Ansted offers residents and visitors alike a gateway to outdoor adventure and exploration. The town’s location within the Appalachian Mountains provides ample opportunities for hiking, camping, fishing, and other recreational activities in the surrounding wilderness.

Affiliation and Population

Ansted is affiliated with the state of West Virginia and is governed by its laws and regulations. The town’s population is small but tight-knit, with approximately 1,400 residents calling Ansted home. The community is made up of individuals and families who share a love for the outdoors and a deep appreciation for the area’s natural beauty and rich history. Despite its small size, Ansted boasts a strong sense of community pride and camaraderie, with residents actively participating in local events, festivals, and volunteer activities throughout the year.

Major Landmarks

While Ansted may be a small town, it is rich in history and boasts several notable landmarks and attractions that showcase its unique character and heritage. One such landmark is the Hawks Nest State Park, located just outside of town. The park is home to the Hawks Nest Overlook, a stunning vista that offers panoramic views of the New River Gorge and the surrounding mountains. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, scenic overlooks, and picnic areas, as well as guided tours of the Hawks Nest Tunnel, a historic engineering feat that once provided access to the New River Gorge.

Another prominent feature of Ansted is the Cathedral Falls, a majestic waterfall located along Route 60 just west of town. Cascading over 60 feet into a rocky gorge below, Cathedral Falls is a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers seeking to capture the beauty of West Virginia’s natural landscapes. Additionally, the nearby town of Fayetteville, home to the New River Gorge Bridge, offers a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities, including whitewater rafting, rock climbing, and zip-lining adventures.

Climate and Weather Overview

Ansted experiences a humid continental climate, characterized by four distinct seasons and moderate precipitation throughout the year. Summers are typically warm and humid, while winters are cold and snowy, with occasional periods of freezing rain and ice. The town’s location in the Appalachian Mountains influences its weather patterns, with temperatures and precipitation levels varying widely depending on elevation and proximity to the New River Gorge. While Ansted enjoys relatively mild weather compared to other parts of West Virginia, residents should be prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions, especially during the winter months.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Ansted:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 37.1 2.51 11
February 40.4 2.41 12
March 48.2 3.22 14
April 58.7 3.53 17
May 68.7 4.22 20
June 76.6 4.22 21
July 80.7 4.48 21
August 79.2 3.66 20
September 72.6 3.11 18
October 61.7 2.70 15
November 50.5 2.90 13
December 40.6 2.79 11

Weather by Month


January in Ansted is cold and snowy, with average highs averaging around 37.1°F. Average lows dip below freezing, ranging from 19°F to 22°F. Precipitation levels are moderate, with an average of 2.51 inches of snowfall. Residents may enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing in the surrounding mountains, or opt for indoor pursuits such as visiting local museums or attending cultural events.


February brings similar weather conditions to Ansted, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs reach 40.4°F, while average lows remain below freezing, ranging from 21°F to 24°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to January, with an average of 2.41 inches of snowfall. Outdoor enthusiasts may choose to explore the town’s scenic trails or participate in winter sports such as ice skating or sledding.


As spring approaches, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures in Ansted, with average highs averaging around 48.2°F. Average lows range from 27°F to 30°F. Precipitation levels rise, with an average of 3.22 inches of rainfall. Residents can embrace the changing seasons by visiting local parks and nature reserves to witness the first signs of spring, such as blooming wildflowers and migrating birds.


April is characterized by mild temperatures and increasing sunshine in Ansted, with average highs reaching 58.7°F. Average lows range from 35°F to 38°F. Precipitation levels continue to rise, with an average of 3.53 inches of rainfall. Outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and fishing are popular choices for residents looking to enjoy the warmer weather and longer days.


May brings warmer temperatures and longer days to Ansted, with average highs peaking at 68.7°F. Average lows remain mild, ranging from 43°F to 47°F. Precipitation levels increase significantly, with an average of 4.22 inches of rainfall. Residents may take advantage of the pleasant weather to explore the town’s scenic overlooks, visit local farmers markets, or participate in outdoor events and festivals.


June is characterized by warm temperatures and abundant sunshine in Ansted, with average highs averaging around 76.6°F. Average lows range from 51°F to 55°F. Precipitation levels remain high, with an average of 4.22 inches of rainfall. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and picnicking in the surrounding mountains, or take a leisurely drive along the scenic country roads.


July is the warmest month of the year in Ansted, with average highs peaking at 80.7°F. Average lows remain comfortable, ranging from 55°F to 59°F. Precipitation levels are moderate, with an average of 4.48 inches of rainfall. Residents can beat the summer heat by spending time at local swimming holes, tubing down the New River, or enjoying a scenic boat tour of the New River Gorge.


August sees similar weather conditions to July in Ansted, with average highs remaining warm at 79.2°F. Average lows stay mild, ranging from 56°F to 60°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to July, with an average of 3.66 inches of rainfall. Residents may choose to explore the town’s historic landmarks, visit local wineries and breweries, or attend outdoor concerts and events in the area.


As summer transitions into fall, September brings cooler temperatures and decreasing rainfall to Ansted. Average highs drop to 72.6°F, while average lows range from 47°F to 51°F. Precipitation levels decrease, with an average of 3.11 inches of rainfall. Residents can embrace the changing seasons by going apple picking at nearby orchards, taking scenic drives to admire the fall foliage, or attending harvest festivals and pumpkin patches.


October is characterized by cool temperatures and vibrant fall foliage in Ansted, with average highs averaging around 61.7°F. Average lows range from 40°F to 44°F. Precipitation levels decrease compared to September, with an average of 2.70 inches of rainfall. Residents may enjoy outdoor activities such as leaf-peeping, hiking, and participating in Halloween-themed events and activities throughout the town.


November brings cooler temperatures and increasing rainfall to Ansted, with average highs averaging around 50.5°F. Average lows range from 32°F to 36°F. Precipitation levels peak during this time, with an average of 2.90 inches of rainfall. Residents may opt for indoor activities such as baking, crafting, or attending holiday markets and craft fairs to prepare for the upcoming winter season.


December marks the onset of winter in Ansted, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs drop to 40.6°F, while average lows hover around 25°F to 29°F. Precipitation levels remain moderate, with an average of 2.79 inches of snowfall. Residents can embrace the holiday spirit by decorating their homes, attending community tree lighting ceremonies, and participating in festive events and activities throughout the town.

Natural Disasters

While Ansted is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, the region is susceptible to occasional severe weather events such as winter storms, floods, and landslides. These events can disrupt transportation, cause property damage, and pose risks to public safety. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about weather alerts and to have emergency preparedness plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Ansted offers residents and visitors a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst the breathtaking scenery of the New River Gorge region. From hiking and camping in Hawks Nest State Park to exploring historic landmarks and scenic overlooks, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this charming Appalachian town. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventure, cultural exploration, or simply a peaceful retreat in nature, Ansted promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of West Virginia’s wild and wonderful landscape.

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