Ambler, Alaska Weather by Month

By | May 6, 2024

Ambler is a remote and beautiful community situated in the northwest region of Alaska, United States. Located within the Northwest Arctic Borough, Ambler is located along the banks of the Kobuk River, surrounded by breathtaking wilderness and rugged terrain. With a population of approximately 270 residents, Ambler offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of urban life. The city covers an area of about 10 square miles, characterized by its pristine landscapes and abundant wildlife.

Geography and Location

Ambler is located in the Arctic Circle region of Alaska, making it one of the northernmost inhabited communities in the state. The city is positioned on the north bank of the Kobuk River, which serves as a vital lifeline for transportation and sustenance for the residents. The surrounding area is dominated by vast stretches of tundra, dotted with lakes, rivers, and rolling hills. Ambler is accessible primarily by air or by seasonal barge service along the river, adding to its remote and isolated charm.

Affiliation and Population

Ambler is affiliated with the state of Alaska and is governed by its laws and regulations. The population of the city is small, consisting mostly of indigenous Inupiat people who have inhabited the region for generations. The tight-knit community values its cultural heritage and traditional way of life, while also embracing modern conveniences and technologies to adapt to the challenges of living in a remote Arctic environment.

Major Landmarks

While Ambler may be a small and remote community, it boasts several notable landmarks and attractions that highlight its unique character. One such landmark is the Kobuk River, which winds its way through the heart of the city, providing residents with opportunities for fishing, boating, and subsistence hunting. The surrounding wilderness is home to diverse wildlife species, including caribou, moose, and bears, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Another prominent feature of Ambler is the Old Kowak River Bridge, a historic structure that spans the Kobuk River and serves as a symbol of the city’s resilience and ingenuity. Built in the 1930s, the bridge is a testament to the pioneering spirit of the early settlers who established the community along the riverbanks. Today, it stands as a reminder of Ambler’s rich history and connection to the land.

Climate and Weather Overview

The climate in Ambler can be classified as subarctic, characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The city experiences extreme temperature fluctuations throughout the year, with prolonged periods of darkness in the winter months and continuous daylight during the summer. Despite its northern location, Ambler receives relatively low precipitation due to its inland position and proximity to the Arctic Ocean.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Ambler:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January -6.3 0.40 2
February -4.6 0.28 3
March 2.3 0.30 5
April 20.4 0.32 10
May 38.4 0.53 16
June 54.3 1.02 19
July 59.5 1.21 20
August 55.5 1.27 20
September 44.1 0.82 15
October 26.3 0.74 9
November 8.1 0.52 4
December -2.3 0.46 2

Weather by Month


January brings frigid temperatures to Ambler, with average highs plummeting to -6.3°F and average lows dropping even further. The month is characterized by long nights and short days, with only a few hours of daylight. Precipitation is minimal, with an average of 0.40 inches of snowfall. Outdoor activities during this time are limited due to the extreme cold, but residents may enjoy indoor pursuits such as storytelling, traditional crafts, and community gatherings.


February continues to be bitterly cold in Ambler, with average highs averaging around -4.6°F and average lows remaining well below freezing. Despite the cold temperatures, precipitation levels remain low, with an average of 0.28 inches of snowfall. Indoor activities such as ice fishing, snowshoeing, and cultural events provide residents with opportunities to stay active and engaged during the winter months.


As spring approaches, temperatures begin to rise slightly in Ambler, with average highs reaching 2.3°F and average lows climbing above zero. The month sees a slight increase in precipitation, with an average of 0.30 inches of snowfall. While outdoor activities may still be limited due to lingering cold and snow, residents can look forward to the gradual return of daylight and the promise of warmer days ahead.


April marks the beginning of the transition to milder weather in Ambler, with average highs rising to 20.4°F and average lows hovering around the freezing point. The month sees slightly higher precipitation levels, with an average of 0.32 inches of snowfall. Outdoor activities such as wildlife viewing, birdwatching, and nature walks become more enjoyable as the landscape awakens from its winter slumber.


May brings significant changes to Ambler’s weather, with average highs soaring to 38.4°F and average lows climbing above freezing. The month sees a notable increase in precipitation, with an average of 0.53 inches of rainfall. As the snow begins to melt and the rivers thaw, residents can partake in outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and berry picking amidst the breathtaking scenery of the surrounding wilderness.


June heralds the arrival of summer in Ambler, with average highs reaching a comfortable 54.3°F and average lows remaining mild. The month sees an increase in precipitation, with an average of 1.02 inches of rainfall. Despite the occasional rain showers, the extended daylight hours allow residents to make the most of outdoor activities such as camping, boating, and exploring the vibrant flora and fauna of the region.


July is the warmest month of the year in Ambler, with average highs peaking at 59.5°F and average lows staying mild. Precipitation levels continue to rise, with an average of 1.21 inches of rainfall. The long days of continuous daylight provide ample opportunities for outdoor adventures such as fishing for salmon, rafting on the Kobuk River, and participating in traditional cultural celebrations.


August brings mild temperatures and abundant daylight to Ambler, with average highs hovering around 55.5°F and average lows remaining comfortable. Precipitation levels remain steady, with an average of 1.27 inches of rainfall. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, canoeing, and berry picking, taking advantage of the favorable weather conditions before the arrival of autumn.


As summer draws to a close, September brings cooler temperatures to Ambler, with average highs dropping to 44.1°F and average lows beginning to dip below freezing. The month sees a decrease in precipitation, with an average of 0.82 inches of rainfall. Residents can enjoy the stunning fall foliage and participate in seasonal activities such as hunting, gathering, and preparing for the winter months ahead.


October marks the onset of winter in Ambler, with average highs plummeting to 26.3°F and average lows falling well below freezing. The month sees a decrease in precipitation, with an average of 0.74 inches of snowfall. Outdoor activities become more limited as the days grow shorter and temperatures continue to drop, prompting residents to prepare for the long winter ahead.


November brings harsh winter conditions to Ambler, with average highs averaging around 8.1°F and average lows plunging below zero. The month sees a slight increase in precipitation, with an average of 0.52 inches of snowfall. Outdoor activities become scarce as residents hunker down indoors, focusing on traditional crafts, storytelling, and community gatherings to pass the time during the long, dark nights.


December is the coldest month of the year in Ambler, with average highs dropping to -2.3°F and average lows plummeting even further. Precipitation levels remain relatively low, with an average of 0.46 inches of snowfall. Residents celebrate the winter solstice with cultural traditions, feasting, and storytelling, finding warmth and comfort in the company of family and friends amidst the harsh Arctic conditions.

Natural Disasters

Ambler is susceptible to a range of natural disasters, including severe winter storms, blizzards, and flooding during the spring thaw. These events can disrupt transportation, damage infrastructure, and pose significant challenges for residents living in remote and isolated communities. It is essential for residents to be prepared for emergencies and to have contingency plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Ambler offers residents and visitors alike a wealth of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst the stunning backdrop of the Arctic wilderness. From dog sledding and snowmobiling in the winter months to hiking, fishing, and wildlife viewing in the summer, there is something for everyone to experience and explore in this remote and rugged corner of Alaska. Whether you’re seeking adventure in the great outdoors or prefer to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous Inupiat people, Ambler promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Arctic wilderness.

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