Alexander City, Alabama Weather by Month

By | May 7, 2024

Alexander City is a charming city located in the state of Alabama, United States. Situated in Tallapoosa County, the city lies in the central part of the state, approximately halfway between Birmingham and Montgomery. With a population of around 14,000 residents, Alexander City offers a blend of small-town charm and modern amenities. The city covers an area of approximately 39 square miles, characterized by its gently rolling hills and scenic landscapes.

Geography and Location

Located in the heart of the state, Alexander City enjoys a strategic geographical location. It is positioned on the shores of Lake Martin, one of the largest man-made lakes in the United States. The lake provides ample opportunities for recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and swimming, contributing significantly to the city’s allure. Additionally, the city is surrounded by lush forests and beautiful countryside, offering residents and visitors alike a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

Affiliation and Population

Alexander City is affiliated with the state of Alabama and is governed by its laws and regulations. As of the latest census data, the city is home to approximately 14,000 residents, representing a diverse community with a rich cultural heritage. The population consists of individuals from various ethnic backgrounds, contributing to the city’s vibrant and inclusive atmosphere.

Major Landmarks

While Alexander City may be small in size, it boasts several notable landmarks that are worth exploring. One such landmark is the Charles E. Bailey, Sr. Sportplex, a state-of-the-art sports complex offering facilities for baseball, softball, soccer, and tennis. The Sportplex serves as a hub for recreational activities and community events, attracting visitors from near and far.

Another prominent feature of Alexander City is the Russell Medical Center, a leading healthcare facility that provides comprehensive medical services to residents of the city and surrounding areas. The center is equipped with modern technology and staffed by highly trained professionals, ensuring access to quality healthcare for all members of the community.

Climate and Weather Overview

The climate in Alexander City can be classified as humid subtropical, characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and ample precipitation throughout the year. The city experiences four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique weather patterns and outdoor activities.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Alexander City:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 51.4 4.90 5
February 55.5 4.81 5
March 61.8 5.38 6
April 68.6 4.65 7
May 75.8 4.49 8
June 81.6 4.63 8
July 84.5 5.48 9
August 84.2 4.47 9
September 79.0 3.62 8
October 69.7 3.22 7
November 60.4 4.77 6
December 53.0 4.63 5

Weather by Month


In January, Alexander City experiences cool temperatures with an average high of 55°F and an average low of 34°F. The month sees moderate precipitation, with an average of 4.90 inches of rainfall. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the cooler weather, visitors can still enjoy hiking in the nearby forests or exploring the city’s cultural attractions, such as the local museums and art galleries.


February brings slightly warmer temperatures to Alexander City, with an average high of 59°F and an average low of 38°F. Precipitation remains moderate, with an average of 4.81 inches of rainfall. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the milder weather to engage in activities such as birdwatching at the nearby wildlife reserves or embarking on scenic drives through the countryside.


As spring begins to unfold, March brings milder temperatures and blooming landscapes to Alexander City. The average high temperature rises to 65°F, while the average low hovers around 43°F. With an average precipitation of 5.38 inches, the month may experience occasional showers, but sunny days become more frequent. Visitors can enjoy outdoor adventures such as kayaking on Lake Martin or exploring the city’s parks and botanical gardens.


April heralds the arrival of warmer weather in Alexander City, with average high temperatures reaching 72°F and average lows around 50°F. The month typically sees moderate precipitation, with an average of 4.65 inches of rainfall. Outdoor activities abound during this time, from fishing and boating on Lake Martin to picnicking in the city’s scenic parks.


May brings balmy temperatures to Alexander City, with average highs soaring to 79°F and average lows hovering around 58°F. While precipitation levels remain moderate at 4.49 inches, the month sees an increase in sunny days, perfect for outdoor pursuits. Visitors can indulge in water sports on Lake Martin or take leisurely strolls along the city’s waterfront promenades.


Summer arrives in full force in June, bringing hot and humid weather to Alexander City. Average high temperatures peak at 86°F, with average lows in the mid-60s°F. Despite the occasional thunderstorm, the month boasts plenty of sunshine, ideal for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying outdoor concerts and festivals.


July is the hottest month of the year in Alexander City, with scorching temperatures averaging around 89°F for highs and 69°F for lows. Precipitation levels increase slightly, with an average of 5.48 inches of rainfall. While the heat may be intense, visitors can cool off by splashing in the waters of Lake Martin or seeking refuge in air-conditioned indoor attractions.


The heat persists into August, with average high temperatures remaining around 89°F and average lows in the low 70s°F. Despite the heat, the month experiences fewer rainy days, with an average precipitation of 4.47 inches. Indoor activities such as visiting museums or attending cultural events offer respite from the sweltering weather.


As summer transitions into fall, September brings relief from the summer heat in Alexander City. Average high temperatures drop to a more comfortable 82°F, with cooler evenings averaging around 59°F. The month sees a decrease in precipitation, with an average of 3.62 inches of rainfall. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the pleasant weather to explore the city’s hiking trails or enjoy a round of golf at one of the local courses.


October ushers in crisp autumn days to Alexander City, with average high temperatures cooling to 73°F and average lows in the upper 40s°F. While precipitation levels remain relatively low at 3.22 inches, the month sees an increase in sunny days, perfect for outdoor activities such as apple picking at nearby orchards or attending fall festivals.


As fall foliage adorns the landscape, November brings mild temperatures and pleasant weather to Alexander City. Average high temperatures hover around 64°F, with cooler evenings averaging around 39°F. The month experiences moderate precipitation, with an average of 4.77 inches of rainfall. Visitors can enjoy outdoor pursuits such as hiking, birdwatching, or embarking on scenic drives to admire the changing colors of the countryside.


December marks the onset of winter in Alexander City, with cooler temperatures and occasional frosts. Average high temperatures dip to 57°F, while average lows drop to 36°F. The month sees moderate precipitation, with an average of 4.63 inches of rainfall. While outdoor activities may be limited due to the cooler weather, visitors can embrace the festive spirit by attending holiday events, shopping for unique gifts at local markets, or cozying up by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa.

Natural Disasters

Alexander City is prone to occasional natural disasters, including severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. These events can occur throughout the year but are most common during the spring and summer months. It is essential for residents and visitors to stay informed about weather alerts and to have a plan in place for emergencies.

Recommended Activities

Regardless of the season, Alexander City offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities to suit every preference. From exploring the city’s cultural attractions to enjoying recreational pursuits on Lake Martin, there is something for everyone to enjoy year-round. Whether you’re seeking adventure in the great outdoors or prefer to immerse yourself in the city’s rich history and culture, Alexander City has something to offer visitors of all ages.

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