Alamo, Texas Weather by Month

By | May 2, 2024

Located in the southern tip of Texas, Alamo is a vibrant city known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and warm climate. Situated in Hidalgo County, Alamo is part of the Rio Grande Valley region, located along the banks of the Rio Grande River. The city is conveniently located near the border with Mexico, providing residents with a unique blend of American and Mexican influences. With a population of approximately 20,000 residents, Alamo offers a close-knit community where family values and traditions are cherished. The city covers an area of about 7.6 square miles, encompassing a mix of urban neighborhoods, rural farmland, and natural landscapes.

Geography and Location

Alamo is situated in the Rio Grande Valley, a fertile region known for its lush vegetation and subtropical climate. The city is located about 8 miles west of McAllen and 75 miles west of the Gulf of Mexico. It is bordered by the cities of Donna to the east, San Juan to the north, and Pharr to the west. The surrounding area is characterized by flat terrain, with the Rio Grande River serving as a natural boundary between Texas and Mexico. Alamo’s location near the Gulf Coast influences its climate, resulting in hot summers, mild winters, and occasional tropical storms.

Affiliation and Population

Alamo is affiliated with the state of Texas and is governed by its laws and regulations. The city’s population is diverse, with a mix of Hispanic, Anglo, and other ethnic groups contributing to its vibrant cultural tapestry. With a population of around 20,000 residents, Alamo is a dynamic community where residents take pride in their heritage and traditions. The city’s economy is driven by agriculture, retail, and tourism, with many residents working in the citrus industry or service sector. Despite its relatively small size, Alamo offers residents access to a range of amenities and services, including schools, parks, and healthcare facilities.

Major Landmarks

While Alamo may be a small city, it boasts several notable landmarks and attractions that highlight its unique character and history. One such landmark is the historic Hidalgo County Courthouse, a beautiful Spanish Revival-style building located in downtown Alamo. Built in 1922, the courthouse serves as a symbol of the city’s rich heritage and architectural legacy.

Another prominent feature of Alamo is the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, a sprawling nature reserve located just south of the city. The refuge is home to a diverse array of plant and animal species, including rare birds, butterflies, and mammals. Visitors can explore the refuge’s network of trails, birdwatching blinds, and observation decks, immersing themselves in the beauty of South Texas’ natural landscapes.

Climate and Weather Overview

Alamo experiences a subtropical climate, characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and relatively high humidity throughout the year. The city enjoys abundant sunshine and moderate rainfall, with occasional tropical storms bringing heavy rain and strong winds during the summer months. With its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, Alamo is also susceptible to temperature fluctuations and occasional cold fronts during the winter.

Average Climate Data

The table below provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Alamo:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 68.3 1.00 20
February 71.9 0.79 20
March 77.6 0.91 23
April 82.6 1.37 24
May 87.4 2.37 26
June 91.4 2.81 26
July 93.9 1.99 27
August 94.1 2.04 27
September 90.7 4.25 25
October 85.2 2.94 24
November 76.3 0.90 21
December 69.5 0.87 20

Weather by Month


January in Alamo is mild and pleasant, with average highs reaching 68.3°F and average lows dropping to around 50°F. Precipitation is relatively low, with an average of 1.00 inch of rainfall. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and birdwatching in the city’s parks and nature reserves.


February brings slightly warmer temperatures to Alamo, with average highs averaging around 71.9°F. Average lows remain mild, hovering around 54°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to January, with an average of 0.79 inch of rainfall. Residents may choose to explore local attractions such as the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge or take a leisurely stroll along the city’s historic downtown district.


As spring approaches, March sees a significant increase in temperatures in Alamo, with average highs rising to 77.6°F. Average lows remain comfortable, ranging from 58°F to 63°F. Precipitation levels increase slightly, with an average of 0.91 inch of rainfall. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the warm weather to explore the city’s parks and botanical gardens or participate in recreational activities such as golfing or fishing.


April is characterized by warm temperatures and increasing humidity in Alamo, with average highs reaching 82.6°F. Average lows range from 66°F to 70°F. Precipitation levels continue to rise, with an average of 1.37 inches of rainfall. Residents may spend their days soaking up the sun at local parks and outdoor recreational areas or enjoying a leisurely picnic along the banks of the Rio Grande River.


May brings hot and humid weather to Alamo, with average highs peaking at 87.4°F. Average lows remain warm, ranging from 72°F to 75°F. Precipitation levels increase significantly, with an average of 2.37 inches of rainfall. Residents can beat the heat by cooling off at local water parks or taking a refreshing dip in the Rio Grande River. Indoor activities such as visiting museums or shopping at local boutiques offer respite from the sun.


June is the hottest month of the year in Alamo, with average highs soaring to 91.4°F. Average lows remain warm, ranging from 76°F to 78°F. Precipitation levels peak during this time, with an average of 2.81 inches of rainfall. Residents may seek refuge from the heat by spending time indoors or taking advantage of air-conditioned facilities such as shopping malls or movie theaters.


July brings continued heat and humidity to Alamo, with average highs averaging around 93.9°F. Average lows remain warm, ranging from 77°F to 79°F. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to June, with an average of 1.99 inches of rainfall. Residents can beat the summer heat by visiting local swimming pools or enjoying a cold treat at one of the city’s ice cream shops.


August sees similar weather conditions to July in Alamo, with average highs remaining hot at 94.1°F. Average lows stay warm, ranging from 78°F to 80°F. Precipitation levels remain steady, with an average of 2.04 inches of rainfall. Residents may seek relief from the heat by spending time indoors or participating in water-based activities such as kayaking or tubing on the Rio Grande River.


As summer transitions into fall, September brings slightly cooler temperatures and higher humidity to Alamo. Average highs drop to 90.7°F, while average lows range from 74°F to 76°F. Precipitation levels increase significantly, with an average of 4.25 inches of rainfall. Residents can embrace the changing seasons by visiting local farmers markets, attending outdoor concerts, or taking scenic drives to admire the autumn foliage.


October is characterized by warm temperatures and decreasing humidity in Alamo, with average highs averaging around 85.2°F. Average lows range from 68°F to 72°F. Precipitation levels decrease compared to September, with an average of 2.94 inches of rainfall. Residents may enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, or visiting pumpkin patches to celebrate the fall season.


November brings mild temperatures and decreasing humidity to Alamo, with average highs averaging around 76.3°F. Average lows range from 58°F to 63°F. Precipitation levels decrease significantly compared to October, with an average of 0.90 inch of rainfall. Residents can take advantage of the pleasant weather to explore local parks and nature reserves or participate in outdoor sports such as soccer or tennis.


December marks the onset of winter in Alamo, with mild temperatures and low humidity. Average highs drop to 69.5°F, while average lows range from 50°F to 54°F. Precipitation levels remain relatively low, with an average of 0.87 inch of rainfall. Residents can celebrate the holiday season by attending festive events such as tree lighting ceremonies, holiday markets, and parades. Indoor activities such as baking cookies, decorating gingerbread houses, and watching holiday movies offer warmth and cheer during the winter months.

Natural Disasters

While Alamo is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, the region is susceptible to occasional severe weather events such as hurricanes, tropical storms, and flooding. These events can disrupt transportation, cause property damage, and pose risks to public safety. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about weather alerts and to have emergency preparedness plans in place to ensure their safety and well-being.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Alamo offers residents and visitors a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy amidst the beauty of the South Texas landscape. From exploring local parks and nature reserves to attending cultural festivals and events, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this dynamic city. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventures, culinary delights, or cultural attractions, Alamo promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Rio Grande Valley.

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